The One On Art and Shows
Last month I did my first "art" show with my fabulous friend and photographer, Sam Smith. I worked like CRAZY for 2 weeks doing about a million prints, making decorations, building a booth and getting excited for my first show! It was the Art and Wine Festival in Spring. Lemme just say... it was lame. A big disappointment. The crowd was definitely not one that appreciates art, and would rather buy a bedazzled gourd or plastic toys from China (not kidding) than a cute card or print. Sam and I were both disappointed with the turn out, but besides the blistering heat we had a great time together. By the end of the day it seemed like almost everyone was drunk and walking around with wine stains on their clothes. So, no more small town shows for me! I'm doing a couple of Houston shows in the fall and winter which I am really excited about! Here are some pictures!

I am taking the summer to work on more serious art. I will still be making prints and doing stuff with At This My Heart Pounds, but I have been itching to get my hands dirty with collage, paint, canvas, charcoal, and recycled materials. I have missed working on bigger projects and I have a lot of ideas floating around my head that I can't wait to make into something! After I get a big enough body of work I will be entering more art shows in the fall. Thanks for reading!
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